
Shattered: A Dark Steampunk Tabletop RPG

Created by I.N.D.E

The Reckoning shattered your world, Feneryss. The challenge now lies with you to gather the shards and forge a new path for humanity.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Down and Dirty with Pre-Release 4!
about 7 years ago – Fri, Mar 17, 2017 at 08:27:27 AM

Hey, everyone!

So with half our team losing power last week, we're a tiny bit behind schedule. But never fear, we have Pre-Release 4 to tide you over!

Pre-Release 4 (PDF)

See Update 66 for character sheets.

In this update, we have added more "Nemzul's Notes" to fill in white space across the book and have fixed all of your submitted fixes along with a bunch of our own. You may also notice some new layout adjustments across the book, but specifically in creatures.

Finally, and most importantly, we have rebalanced XP across the entire book. Starting XP has now increased and players will now gain more XP per session opposite greater costs for talent, skill, and stat costs.

We have made this change because our initial system for XP calculation was based on stat, skill, and talent progressions capping out at rank 10. As some of you may know, we removed that cap early on, but the lingering problem of our XP costs remained. If for example, you wanted to increase your Strength to rank 11, our system before had no easy way of determining that cost without counting all the way to rank 20 first.

As a note for any of you running games on our releases, your players can continue on, as usual, just transfer them over to the new progression and give them 40-50 free XP to help give them a boost.

One of our team is also working on a fillable excel character sheet that will contain every stat, skill, and talent in Shattered! We don't have anything to show you just yet, but the backend of the spreadsheet is progressing nicely.

The INDE Team

Quick Update
about 7 years ago – Sun, Mar 12, 2017 at 08:27:58 PM

Hey everyone!

Josh (NKdotzip) here. I wanted to take a quick minute to give you guys an update. For any of you that weren't aware the North East United States got hammered with a serious wind storm last week. Rochester, NY (where three of us at INDE are based) saw gusts as high as 81 mph (~130 km/h) leaving more than 100,000 without power. That was Wednesday afternoon, and many of us only got power restored this evening. So this, of course, is why we didn't get another pre-release copy pushed out last week as promised. 

That said, I'm right around the corner from getting the next copy of the book done, so sit tight, and thank you once again for your patience. I should have the next prerelease done this week, bringing us one step closer to the final release.

Thanks again,

Josh & the INDE Team

Mini-Update: Domain Transfer
about 7 years ago – Thu, Mar 09, 2017 at 04:00:01 PM

Hey folks!

We're currently transferring our old domain to a new provider so it won't be redirecting for the next week. Never fear! You can still use our new website address and And as always, you can talk to us on our Discord Chat!

The INDE Team

Execute Update 66
about 7 years ago – Fri, Mar 03, 2017 at 09:11:19 PM

Hey folks!

So as you can gather by reading this update, sadly we did not meet our projected deadline of the end of February for sending to print. But why you might ask. Well, we’ve been hard at work editing and polishing the book. For example, we’ve reworked the monster layout to be more visually appealing. We’ve been adding flavor text to fill awkward white space throughout the book. As for the book content itself, we are so close to being done. We have two pages left to fill in History and Events, everything else is completed! Pretty much all of us are in full on edit mode.

But what does that leave for you, the backers?

Well, we are releasing the newly designed sheets along with our 4 NPCs on condensed sheets! We will be putting out Pre-Release 4 sometime next week after we finish the last of the content.

The most asked question: What is your ETA?

While the INDE team wishes we could have it in your hands now, we are going to need another few weeks to finalize the last few items into the book and do a final pass of editing. We definitely intend to have the book sent to print before Mass Effect: Andromeda is released. 

 We sincerely thank you for your support,
The INDE Team

Editing Party Mini Update!
about 7 years ago – Mon, Feb 20, 2017 at 06:45:16 PM

Hey Everyone!

Over the weekend three of our team members got together and did a bunch of proofreading and editing on Shattered!

Nkdotzip (left) updating the InDesign Project, Lithairian (center) proofreading, and Lost Abyss proofreading (right)
Nkdotzip (left) updating the InDesign Project, Lithairian (center) proofreading, and Lost Abyss proofreading (right)

The rest of us, unfortunately, don't live in the same area so we worked on editing on our own time. Coming down the home stretch, we hope you're as excited as we are for the final project, coming soon! In the mean time, Nkdotzip has also given the monsters a visual overhaul. While the content has not changed (outside of editing) the new layout gives the monsters and more compact feel and allows for "Nemzul's Notes", a color commentary on the monsters.

Old (left) vs New (right)
Old (left) vs New (right)

The INDE Team