
Shattered: A Dark Steampunk Tabletop RPG

Created by I.N.D.E

The Reckoning shattered your world, Feneryss. The challenge now lies with you to gather the shards and forge a new path for humanity.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Alpha Playtest has Been Updated!
almost 9 years ago – Mon, Jun 29, 2015 at 11:36:54 PM

For those of you who have been having fun with the Alpha Playtest, we have just uploaded the update. Feel free to head over to our forums and pick it up. We can't wait to get more input from you guys!

If you haven't taken a look at it yet, head on over to our Forums and register, then go Here to download the Alpha Playtest.


The INDE Team

Playtest Update & Monster Creation
almost 9 years ago – Thu, May 21, 2015 at 09:21:24 AM

Hey everyone!

We just wrapped up a big update to our Alpha playtest and should be getting it uploaded on our forums at some point in the next couple of days. We're also starting to get in touch with our "creation tier" backers, so keep an eye on your inbox.


We have begun the process to catch up with those of you who backed our Love-Crafter, Neuromancer and Missing Link Tiers. Everyone who backed us in the Love-Crafter tier should have already received or will be receiving an email containing a Google Form. This form has fields for all the of the standard information that we need to get monsters created. Once we get that information, we clean it up, give it a stat line and set up their available attacks and actions. We will then send you the Monster and work with you on any adjustments that you feel need to be made.

Stay tuned for more updates for the other two creation tiers.

Playtest Update

We finished a complete retooling and rebalancing of Conviction, retooled and rebalanced the Miracles, AND finalized our overhaul of Racial Traits. Let's get down to the nitty-gritty of what spurred this, and what our goals were going in. 


It was brought to our attention that while interesting, the many mechanics of Conviction- primarily Opposing Auras- were unbalanced. So the team sat down and we worked our way through the Elements in pairs-- Air and Earth, Fire and Water, etc. etc.-- to make sure that they were rewritten on an even scale. 

This led to standardizing Gifts, which are now earned at Conviction Ranks 2, 5, and 9 regardless of chosen element, as well as enormous changes to the actual Gifts themselves. Even Scrying was reworked to keep things similar without being too dull. 

We believe with these changes that opposing Elements are now on much more even ground in terms of Auras and Gifts, and that each Element now feels much more unique in its playstyle. 

Racial Traits

Almost immediately it was pointed out that several races lacked traits that reflected their textual descriptions, and in more than one case there were redundant or just plain BORING traits. Well, fear not. 

With these new traits, boring is no longer a concern, and each race's identity is more firmly established in the system. They are no longer simple skin swaps, but unique entities with impactful traits that change the flow of both social and combat encounters. 

But let's give you some hard examples. 

The Alypse now possess the racial trait called Agents of Entropy.At the start of every conflict, an Alypse player rolls a d4. The Alypse may force his opponents to reroll a number of rolls equal to that d4 value; conversely, the GM may force the players to reroll an equal number of times whenever they choose. Alypse, regardless of association, are unaffected by this. 

Let's also look at Umbra for the Shades. If they make two or more consecutive move actions, they may leave behind an Illusion of themselves in any square they passed through. There will be upgrades to this ability in the future. Nothing is set in stone yet, but for those familiar with Guild Wars 2, just imagine treating this Illusion like a Mesmer's spells. That's the sort of ideas we're currently toying with.

Keep an eye out for these updates in our next upload of the Free Playtest over in the Playtest forum. Let us know what you think over there. See you all again soon!


The INDE Team

Checking in...
almost 9 years ago – Fri, May 15, 2015 at 11:59:11 PM

Hello everyone!

We've got a lot of info to cover today, so we're going to get started. 


A few of you have been asking about the available art prints and our options on Backerkit, weren't exactly clear. So we have addressed that with some new images of the art for each of the respective sets -- Cities, Races and Weapons. We'll show them here as well.




 Also, we're going to be locking down the completed surveys for payment processing by Wednesday of next week (5/13). We will be sending reminder emails out to anyone that hasn't yet filled out their Backerkit survey at the same time as well. Please keep in mind that if you don't get the survey filled out, we cannot guarantee that your reward will be delivered on time. 

Love-Crafter and Neuromancer Tiers

In the coming weeks, we will be reaching out to anyone who backed our content creation tiers. In fact we have already started. We will be sending emails to the addresses that you provided in Backerkit. If we don't hear back from you, we will try to reach out to you here on Kickstarter, so please keep an eye out.

Vehicle Designs

Now that we've finally gotten paid, we're going to start getting art in. Today, we have our Steambike design from Brian Moyer. Enjoy!

 Alpha Playtest

Don't forget to grab your copy of our alpha playtest on our forums and let us know what you think of Shattered so far!

Thanks again,

The INDE Team

The Spinewretch
about 9 years ago – Thu, Apr 30, 2015 at 09:44:16 PM

Good evening everyone! Some of you may have joined us on Crystal Sully's livestream last week to watch her add the finishing touches to one of our monsters, the Spinewretch.

Also, a portion of our Twitch stream from International Tabletop Day is now avaiable on youtube. Sadly our recording program only caught about an hour of it. Next time we do this the video will be saved on Twitch.

In case you missed it, here it is in all its gory. Enjoy!

The Spinewretch

These horrendous creatures start small, but once they latch onto a victim their ascent is swift and brutal. Starting as small slug-like creatures, once they attach, they feed off of electricity in the nervous system, and begin to literally engulf the victim, taking bones and muscle and incorporating them into their own body. 

The victim never truly dies, they are kept aive inside the “mouth” of the creature. The victim will usually go insane and it is typical to hear them scream gibberish as the creature moves and stalks more victims.


The INDE Team

about 9 years ago – Thu, Apr 30, 2015 at 09:44:12 PM

Hey everyone! Less than 24 hours to go and your continued support is awe inspiring!

Many of you have asked about our dice, so tonight we're going to post an update on a couple of the updated designs. Please bear in mind that some of these designs might change.

 Please feel free to post any questions you have.


The INDE Team